World Capital, Partner at the event “Hospitality Day” – Riccione, the 7th October 2015



Wednesday the 7th October, in the elegant Palacongressi of Riccione, World Capital will be Partner of prestigious event, “Hospitality Day”, first marketplace of hospitality in Italy, it will take part in this event as exhibition, by promoting solutions and services for real estate players and it will moderate the round tableHow much is your hotel worth?” dedicated to the receptive/hospitality market analysis and to themes of requalification and evaluation,  connected to hotel.

Unique event in Italy, Hospitality Day represents a big opportunity of training and discussion for the Italian hospitality; 70 professionals and leader real estate companies and 55 competent relators, who will be ready to welcome hotel managers, operators, representatives and responsible of authorities, to focus on interesting themes and the last trend and to develop synergies and business.

During the interesting setting of Hospitality Day, there will be the meeting, moderated by Marco Clerici, Managing Director of World Capital Real Estate Group, titled “How much is your hotel worth?”, in which Giorgio Palmucci, President of AICA (Italian Association Confindustria Hotel), Roberto Necci, President of ADA LAZIO (Association Head of Hotel Lazio) and Francesco Tapinassi, Head of Service II, Tourist General Management of Minister of Cultural Heritage.

Due to the imminent “Tourism Decree”, the purpose of the meeting will be to put attention on how and in which, we can evaluate our hotel heritage. In particular, starting with a panoramic of receptive division, with the values analysis and exclusive preview of market data, we will individuate concrete operative opportunities, with the aim of evaluating the hospitality sector and its potentials. In only 40 minutes, we will discuss about hotel requalification and conversion, with analysis tools and real estate evaluation.

We believe that Hospitality Day is a winning formula for hospitality players – claims Marco Clerici, Managing Director of World Capital Real Estate Group-, an exclusive opportunity of meeting, dialogue and sharing. To give data, experiences, useful tools to people, who live the sector, which has a great importance and lots of benefits.
The tourist sector is actually witness of a progressive global recovery, which has determined an increase of arrivals in our Country and a growth of interest from foreign investors, who are oriented to the Italian hotel real estate; Italy remains one of the most attractive reality, thanks to its invaluable cultural and natural heritage.”

About Author

Simona Giuliano

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