World Capital meets the China of Real Estate Investors


“Seminar on Real Estate Investment in Italy”
Shanghai, Beijing and Chongqing – 16/22 April

Among the 16th and 22nd April, in Shanghai, Beijing and Chongqing, World Capital, society specialized in real estate consultancy, will promote “Seminar on Real Estate Investment in Italy: legal, tax and immigration issues”, event dedicated to the analysis of the opportunity and efficiency for the Chinese citizens, who are interested in the Italian real estate market.

The conventions, organized by World Capital and Aica – Italian Association Confindustria Hotelier, will show the procedure and the policies to invest in Italian real estate, focusing on legal and fiscal aspects, offering a detailed pan of the sector and the concrete solutions of investment and by proposing, finally, a complete focus on the Italian hotel division, with the presentation of the asset of the territory and the Hotel Investment Appeal Index realised by World Capital.

Alberto Bradanini, Ambassador of Italy in Pechino, Federico Antonelli, Legal Responsible for the Italian Embassy in Beijing, Massimo Gaudiano, Consular Responsible of Italian Embassy in China, Sergio Maffettone, Italian Consul in Chongqing, Stefano Beltrame, Italian General Consul in Shanghai, Gabriele Di Stefano, Italian General Deputy Consul in Shanghai, Marco Clerici, Delegate of Aica and Managing Director of World Capital, Elena Buffoni, China Country Manager of World Capital, Tommaso Camponeschi, Coo China of World Capital will be the relators during the event.

“The idea to create meeting moments on the opportunities of real estate investment in Italy, connected to the migratory and political dynamics – claims Marco Clerici, Managing Director of World Capital – burns from the growing interest of the Chinese citizens for our country, citizens attracted from the Italian lifestyle, fashion and design made in Italy, from the great food and the incredible artistic and natural beauties.

World Capital – continues Marco Clerici – is today the unique society of real estate consultancy, which is able to attend to Chinese clients, who are interested on Italian and Foreign real estate investments and the Italians, who are interested on the Chinese market today, thanks to its offices and the Shanghai, Beijing and Chongqing, to the deep know-how of the emigratory and real estate rules and to the strong collaboration with Embassies, Chambers of Commerce and Consulates. We think – concludes Marco Clerici – that it’s important to give useful elements to citizens, who are interested in a great investment”.

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Simona Giuliano

Affascinata dalla comunicazione in ogni sua forma, nonché sfumatura e fedele sostenitrice di qualsivoglia media, soprattutto se digitale. Con il costante scopo di dar Voce e rendere Dinamico l’Immobile!

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