World Capital Group leased property logistic to Cesped Spa


World Capital Group, Logistics Division, announces the lease of a logistics building located in the Municipality of Vignate (MI), area currently affected by the works for the realization of the project of motorway link between the cities of Brescia, Bergamo and Milan, Brebemi.

The leased portion occupies a floor area of ​​4,300 square meters of a building recently built and equipped with all the ideal characteristics for distribution and courier services such as: dual front flap, height 8 meters warehouse , office area forklifts and large outdoor area.

The rent to speed is around 50 €/sqm in line with the values ​​shown in the last Borsino, Real Estate Observatory Logistics. The property has as new conductor of the property a major player in the transport sector: Cesped Spa .

Hermes Coradazzi, General Manager of Cesped SPA declares : “We have long sought a warehouse with the specific characteristics that might be fine for our needs. Hardly, without the intervention of World Capital, we could find a solution that responded fully to what we were looking for. We are fully satisfied for their work and their professionalism.

For further information or to request report ->

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Simona Giuliano

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