The High-Speed goes on, logistics real estate stabilises itself


The hypothesis of developing the infrastructures, in Italy, are positive also for logistics real estate, which records a general stabilisation of values, in the first semester 2014, by highlighting the stop of negative trends of the past years.
The 26th August, the Transport Minister and the Railway Lines signed an agreement to increase the high-speed of main airports of the Country, this is the last transport reform, which could be useful not only for people, but also for moving goods, and finally for logistics real estate.”

World Capital Group analyses, again, the logistics real estate in Bel Paese, thanks to its survey about the market trend of lease/sale values for new and used properties, during the first semester 2014, illustrated in new Borsino Immobiliare della Logistica. “The market – claims Neda Aghabegloo, Head of Research – is the main character of a general phase of stabilisation, which shows possible recovery signals in some locations, for the next semester. Italy is ready to start and crisis seems to be overpassed.  

Concerning the lease of new, it’s still the North to represent the widest range, with minimum values in Piacenza of 31 €/sqm and maximum value in Genoa of 63 €/sqm, whereas the South and the Iles record a range between 32 €/sqm in Bari and 50 €/sqm in Cagliari. National high peak of lease is still recording in Genoa (63 €/sqm); whereas the markets of Turin, Milan and the Capital record middle values of 40 €/sqm for the first and 46 €/sqm the others.

Concerning the sale of new, the Centre has the widest range with minimum value in Pescara of 580 €/sqm  and maximum value in Prato of 950 €/sqm, whereas South and Iles record again the strictest between 520 €/sqm in Bari and 800 €/sqm in Olbia. National and maximum peak of lease is recording in Milanese city (910 €/sqm); the markets of Turin, Milan and Rome reporting middle values of 735 €/sqm, 845 €/sqm and 725 €/sqm.

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Simona Giuliano

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