Project City of Health: Innovative and Sustainable Redevelopment


MilanoSesto, City of Health and Research, or ex- Falck area, what that has been called the greatest Italian project of rehabilitation of brownfield industrial sites takes shape.

Redevelopment, sustainability and innovation are perceived today as key terms for a better future and a better quality of the planet , necessary and crucial for the country’s economic growth and important opportunities for new development projects. More and more topics of discussion, debate and current events, have now determined, I would add finally!, a more widespread sensibility and a greater general orientation to ” make eco- green”.

The same real estate sector, which we are involved in the first person, is moving more and more quickly and with responsibility in this direction : the passivhaus rise to a philosophy of life and it spreads the choice to live in ” passive houses” for a style of life  towards saving and sustainability; banks provide green mortgages to those that purchase property eco, designing the first building “intelligent”, the smart building, it was born in Milan the first building in wood

In this regard, also we focused on innovative and sustainable solutions, we were particularly impressed, and fascinated, by the size and value of the project of real estate redevelopment initiated by renowned architect Renzo Piano on the ex area Falck in Sesto San Giovanni (Mi), the 3th December last year with the financial support of some private entities (Sesto Immobiliare SpA and its partners, Intesa Sanpaolo and Unicredit Banca Popolare di Milano that they will field 300 billion euro). News that has made ​​widely talked about.

“A city within a city of more than 1,400,000 square meters in area , on which, next to a center of healthcare excellence represented by the City of Health and Research (National Cancer Institute and Besta Neurological Hospital), will host residential, receptive, commercial and business centers, recreational, educational and sporting facilities, social welfare, infrastructure of service amd a large urban park,” says the planner. ” Respect for the environment and for the historical identity of the place will be essential: building standards will achieve energy saving and eco- sustainability and restaureremo and renovate the historic buildings .”

A sustainable and innovative project that will see employees 15 years for its realization, and completed, you can receive up to approximately 15,000 residents, more than 15,000 workers engaged in different realities. The biggest Italian project of redevelopment of a disused industrial area, an opportunity for economic and social rebirth from which to take example.

About Author

Simona Giuliano

Affascinata dalla comunicazione in ogni sua forma, nonché sfumatura e fedele sostenitrice di qualsivoglia media, soprattutto se digitale. Con il costante scopo di dar Voce e rendere Dinamico l’Immobile!

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