Office Real Estate 2017: Milan at top of recovery


In 2017 office real estate sector is characterized from a general stabilization of trend and slight recovery signals in every prime Italian location, except for Milan.

In Milan recovery started already in 2016, becoming stronger nowadays with a fluent market and progressive request of growing.

This data is revealed in new “Report Office 2017”, realized by inner Research Department of World Capital. From this analysis, we highlight a gradual increase of rents, with faithful from investors, which are oriented on Central Area in Italian prime locations.

By focusing on leasing, it’s Milan at top of recovery of office real estate Italian market with a prime rent of 510 €/mq/year, followed by Rome which record a rent of 350 sqm/€/year.

Always in Central Zone of Rome, we also record new real estate developments.

After Milan and Rome, in Central Areas of other prime location we record a maximum rent of 240 €/sqm/year. Focused: Florence (240 €/sqm/year), Bologna (220 €/sqm/year), Turin (200 €/sqm/year), Naples (190 €/sqm/year) and Padua (180 €/sqm/year).

Concerning vacancy, always in Central Areas of Italian prime cities, except Milan, time average is 9 months. On the other hand, in Suburban Areas time average is 16 months.

“Italian office real estate market closes 2017 with a positive balance and signs of growth. – claims Neda Aghabegloo, Responsible Research Department of World Capital – From our analysis in Report Office 2017, we can affirm that office sector is already in movement.”

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Simona Giuliano

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