Logistics Real Estate: Increase of Demand Growing Rents 1° semester 2015


In the first semester of 2015, the Logistics Real Estate Market is more stable and oriented to a gradual recovery and it attracts a major interest of investors. It also reveals an important growth of rents, consequence of an increase of properties demand and a good faith to the sector. This is the overview of the 19th edition of Borsino Immobiliare della Logistica, cured by World Capital Group, which offers an analysis of the sector trend of the first six months of the new year.

“A particular positive semester for leasing market – claims Neda Aghabegloo, Head of Research of World Capital – which highlights an increase of rents sqm, both for used and new properties. Concerning to the maximum values for used, Novara and Piacenza with +5,4% and Bari with +5,3%, they record the major growth; the highest maximum rents are in Genoa and Florence (50€/sqm/a) and Milan (49 €/sqm/a), whereas Bari and Pescara (27 €/sqm//a) show the minimum more contained. For the new, Bari still reveals an important increase of maximum value (+4,8%). Genoa and Florence, with 60 €/sqm/a e 56 €/sqm/a maximum rent are again on the peak, following by Milan (53 €/sqm/a) and Rome (52 €/sqm/a);on the other hand, the most convenient for the lowest minimum rents are Piacenza and Bari (33 €/sqm/a).

Concerning the sale, whereas – continues Neda Aghabegloo -, we record a general contraction of values on all the territory. For the used properties, Trento, Livorno and Prato with 700 €/sqm record the highest maximum price, whereas Rovigo, the lowest with 390 €/sqm. In general, the maximum values felt in North of 2,9%, in the Centre of 4,3% and in South of 3,2% ad in the Isles of 2,9%, whereas the minimum decrease of 2,6% in Northern Regions of 5% in Centre and they remain stable in Southern Regions. For the new properties, Trento and Florence 860 €/sqm and Milan and Prato with 850 €/sqm as maximum price, they are the most expensive realities, whereas Bari and Novara with 500 €/sqm, minimum value, the most cheap; Rivalta Scrivia the only city, which shows an increase of (+5,4%). In general, the maximum prices highlight -5,8% in North, -4,7% in Centre, -3,9% in South and -5,3% in Isles, whereas the minimums are -4% in Northern Regions and South, -1,8% in Centre and -3,8% in Isles.”

“We assist in the first semester 2015 to a general stabilization of logistics real estate market – claims Andrea Faini, Ceo of World Capital –, with an increase of demand in North, particularly in Milan, Bologna and Rome. The interest of investors comes back in “prime” areas, to build logistical complexes, also without the renters; this confirms a good faith in the sector. We also observe the fusions of logistical and transport groups, signal of a recovery of market”.




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Simona Giuliano

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