Iran: soaring inflation, real estate investments on the rise


World Capital is a real estate consulting firm Italian interested in studying the performance of the overseas property market , to support efforts to develop new real estate investment opportunities, aiming to open up new markets in the Middle East with the opening of offices in China and Russia.

The internal Research Department of World Capital has devoted to the preparation of periodic reports on the performance of the Italian real estate market and abroad, conducted a survey on the trend of prices in the housing market of Iran, an increase of 20%.

In the capital Tehran infact , the cost of newly constructed apartments came to almost € 4,000 sqm in March 2013. This trend has strongly influenced the rents in Iran usually are renewed annually and therefore intrinsically linked to changes in prices.

In the last 3 years the value of real estate grew 40 %, but this figure has not dampened the market , on the contrary, has attracted the attention of private investors interested in residential real estate search. This is because in Iran as in Italy real estate investment protects against inflation.

Iran is one of the most important countries in the Middle East with a high potential for investment property and with a high rate of GDP growth, making it a potential emerging country. The real estate market of Iran over the last 30 years has been an ever growing market, both in terms of product quality both in terms of real estate prices, especially in cities such as Tehran, known for its developments both in building and infrastructure.

About Author

Simona Giuliano

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