“How much does Your Hotel mean?” – Conference at “Hospitality Day 2015”, Riccione the 7th October


The conferenceHow much does Your Hotel mean?” took place in the prestigious location of “Hospitality Day 2015 on the 7th of October, managing and promoting by World Capital Group with the participation of Aica, of Ada Lazio e the Cultural Heritage Minestery – Tourism section. Marco Clerici, Managing Director of World capital, started the conference as event moderator. He started with a consideration about the hotel manager, who is the main source of hotel value. Mister Clerici also asked to relators “Today, are the operators ready to become privileged speakers in the managing of hotel real estate heritage in Italy?”

Today we don’t have manager skills and properly know-how in the Italian hospitality sector agree Giorgio Palmucci, President of Aica and Roberto Necci, President Ada Lazio – for that reason, it’s difficult for investors to believe in the products and to choose Italy for their hotel investments. They – continueare looking for specific and prestigious products and innovative and flexible managing models, however we observe a hotel manager category, which isn’t yet ready to accept the challenge to improve itself as qualified hotel manager.

To make system and to adopt the new methodologies for an innovative market approach”, this is necessary for Francesco Tapinassi, Direcotor of Service II. General Tourism Direction of Cultural Heritage Minestery, who explained the actual Tourism Decree and its opportunities. “The reformed Law gives tax cuts for the training of the hotel division and loans for a better information system. Moreover we are working for the infrastructures problems with the aim to identify and to create new connections to improve the accessibility of touristic destinations, which are today difficult to reach.”

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Simona Giuliano

Affascinata dalla comunicazione in ogni sua forma, nonché sfumatura e fedele sostenitrice di qualsivoglia media, soprattutto se digitale. Con il costante scopo di dar Voce e rendere Dinamico l’Immobile!

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