Faini of World Capital: To attract investors from China crucial release visas


Continues its expansion in China World Capital Group, led by managing director Andrea Faini that tells to Monitorimmobiliare development projects and strategies.

1 ) How long have you landed in China?
For nearly three years. To date, we rely on two open offices , one in Beijing and one in Shanghai . In the headquarters in Beijing are three operational resources and that of Shanghai two . To these we must add our collaborators in Italy today are two Chinese and two Italian . In all, what we call our internal Team China , is composed of nine people.

2 ) In which market segments you are specializing ?
We are mainly oriented attraction of Chinese investment in Italy even though more often we happen to watch Italian and international clients interested in the Chinese real estate market .

3 ) What do you look for the Chinese investor abroad?
China has a vast catchment area that you can find a variety of investors …    read more

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Simona Giuliano

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