Drones Amazon: logistics and informative ambiguity


It has made ​​headlines the news of Amazon about the new solution logistics, the parcel delivery with drones (unmanned aircraft). The idea that short any purchase made online can be delivered within 30 minutes it’s sure one of those news that is “noise” and throat to journalists, companies, in short, to those that want to ” say something cool”.

For those who have not seen the presentation made by Amazon, you look at the video!

Numerous the newspapers that discuss this event. And I would say they do well, given that the task of many newspapers is reporting the news that, among other things, was announced by CEO of Amazon.

What is amazing is how they made many experts of the sector, both in terms of logistics, both in terms of marketing, to believe blindly and report the news as absolute truth, without first investigating whether it’s possible or if it really was only a ingenious idea of wizards of viral marketing.

In an increasingly interconnected world, with a huge production of information, it’s crucial to know how to filter the news today and have parameters to assess how reliable they are or if lurks behind some ambiguous intent.

The real estate world is so; in a time when the newspapers do nothing that talk bubble and recovery of real estate at the same time, what that denotes it’s a contradiction of information. It’s difficult to know how to evaluate the true opportunities of real estate market with the amount of information available, and those who work with numbers know that statistics can be very misleading, if not interpreted by an expert .

Today we are going through the information revolution: it can’t longer ignore the means we use to communicate, much less the actors, part of the ecosystem; both internal corporate information, that one with potential customers and competitors. Therefore now, a company must first know how and what to communicate; the brand reputation is a great factor in evaluating how much a company truly knows its field and the only way to provide the best possible service to its customers.

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About Author

Simona Giuliano

Affascinata dalla comunicazione in ogni sua forma, nonché sfumatura e fedele sostenitrice di qualsivoglia media, soprattutto se digitale. Con il costante scopo di dar Voce e rendere Dinamico l’Immobile!

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