Agro-Food Logistics: towards Environmentally Friendly and Green Solutions


“The sustainability of the food chain ” is the theme that accompanies the new edition of the Real Estate Observatory of Logistics – first half of 2013, realized by World Capital Group, a company specializing in real estate national and international consulting.

In the current number, next to the analysis of logistics real estate market values, it was conducted a research on emerging issues related to the agro-food logistics and distribution processes of the goods and it was chosen to deepen the argument, consulting directly operators and end- users through the formula of the survey.

The data emerging highlight the increasingly common need and desire by both workers and end-users to adopt environmentally friendly solutions in the industry, as well as the market demands, because they are convinced that an efficient and green logistics would give a significant added value to the companies of production and transformation, reducing the cost of supply of raw materials and acceleration of transportation time.

“Knot of the matter is however the distribution of costs resulting from the adoption of such systems -says Neda, Head of Research Department of World Capital- as the commissioners deem not worthwhile to invest beyond a certain threshold for such activities.In the case infact that the logistics operators were been called upon to draft proposals of service, the commission was willing to pay up to 5% more for solutions “sustainable” than the standard solutions (with the same service quality and quantity).
Only a percentage less than 30% of the commissioners -continues Neda- has explicitly put conditions/constraints.

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Simona Giuliano

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