New Logistics Deal for World Capital


Logistics & Industrial Division of World Capital announces the sale of a logistics property of 45.000 SQM of FAP Investments Srl, rent to an international sport brand, Decathlon.

The logistics hub, located in Via Pirandello, 1 in Basiano (Milan North-East), has been bought from Deutsche Asset Management, through society RREEF Speizal Invest GMBH, for one of real estate funds managed by its clients.

With a logistical platform for supply chain, energy class Class A, offices, labs, area for goods and e-commerce products, services and park areas, logistics center of Basiano, which represents Third Generation of Deposit, provided with the most important and modern technologies in logistics sector.

“We are really glad to success in this important deal, which makes stronger our logistics leader identity. – claims Andrea Faini, CEO of World Capital – This year we have managed actions in logistics sector for over 200.000 SQM, sign of strong and growing interest from logistical investors.”

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Simona Giuliano

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