High Street Rome: growth +20% in Piazza di Spagna


Italian real estate market starts 2018 with a trend in general growing, by reconfirming itself strong as its global competitors.

Concerning the last analysis of Research Department of World Capital, after Milan, Rome records the best Italian performance in retail sector.

Among Shopping Streets of Rome, it’s interesting to highlight the growth of 20% recording in 3 years (2014-2017) of rents in Piazza di Spagna.

This increase is connected to a prime product, which has a high quality for national brands and it generates great competition among international luxury brands.

In 2014 a shop had a maximal rent of 5.000 €/sqm/year, whereas today the same shop reaches a maximal rent of 6.300 €/sqm/year.

In positive also demand/offer, with a vacancy not over 2 months in Piazza di Spagna.

“In prime city such as Rome, we revealed interesting data, where we estimate a general trend of growing. – claims Neda Aghabegloo, Responsible Research Department of World Capital – In last months of 2017, Roman High Streets have highlighted encouraging performance with consumers interested in sport products, accessories and cloths. In Rome we record a growth of +11% in international tourist tax fee, by reconfirming Rome among the most appreciate shopping locations from tourists.”

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Simona Giuliano

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